We are in the heart of cottage country along the northeastern shores of Lake Simcoe and Lake Couchiching.
The Township of Ramara was formed in 1994 after the amalgamation of the Townships of Rama and Mara.
There are nine existing settlement areas within the Township: Atherley-Uptergrove, Brechin, Cooper's Falls, Gamebridge, Lagoon City, Longford Mills, Sebright, Udney and Washago.
Ramara is a gateway to relaxation, recreational activities, and retirement communities.
Come and enjoy our public library, public beaches, cottage rentals, summer resorts, sporting activities, our retirement and resort communities, as well as, Casino Rama.
You can enjoy the mix of housing located within our villages, rural and agricultural areas, and along our many shoreline areas.
Contact Us
Corporation of the Township of Ramara
2297 Highway 12, PO Box 130, Brechin, ON, L0K 1B0
T. 705-484-5374
TF 1-800-663-4054
F. 705-484-0441